Loes van Marlestraat 14
1382 ML Weesp (NL)
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About us

Positive social impact, proactive, self-managing, agile and flexible employees, making important decisions together.

Unique way of working together.

Positive social impact, proactive, self-managing, agile and flexible employees, making important decisions together. We can talk about everything and many things are possible. Are you keeping up? At TrailBlazers we do everything our own way. And not because we really want to be 'different', but because this approach works. For us, for our partners, for the world. With our unique way of working together, we want to inspire others to experiment with and improve their company culture. Our happy employees make users smile, clients satisfied and the world a better place.

Positieve maatschappelijke impact

Positive social impact.

At TrailBlazers we do things a bit differently, that's for sure. But why, besides the fact that it works well, do we actually do that? Our common goal is making positive social impact. We not only want our partners to benefit from our unique way of working together, but we also want to make the world a more beautiful place. This may sound a bit abstract. But we assure you: it is not. We keep both feet on the ground and put these words into action through our innovation projects, such as RegMed XB and other initiatives.

Once upon a time...

There were two men with a passion for IT who wanted to do things differently. From doing things ‘as they should be done’, to doing beautiful things together. From an organization in which employees focus solely on deadlines, to one in which they focus on positive influence in abundance. A place where people can be themselves, so that they become truly empowered. TrailBlazers, the corporate child of Wiro van Schaik and Ruud Rol, was born in 2018 from a shared interest in sociocracy 3.0. In the following years, like-minded professionals and clients joined the party. We started with our TrailBlazers days, celebrated parties, made some fuckups and overcame challenges.

Passie voor IT

The TrailBlazers Years.

TrailBlazers aan de grote tafel op kantoor

Goals for 2023 approved!

This moment was carefully captured, because on our first TrailBlazers day of 2023 we approved the budget and our goals for this year! To celebrate we added a nice New Year's drink to it. We've split our goals into these areas this year: Recruit and meet Learn and innovate Finance, reserve and invest Collaborate with external parties Organize and structure The overall theme in all our goals is growth! With this theme in mind, we want to invest in professional growth for our TrailBlazers and of course for our customers. We also want to continue to grow in social involvement and impactful initiatives. Wondering if your ambitions match ours? Give us a call!

A great ending to 2022

During the TrailBlazers Christmas dinner, we enjoyed delicious dishes with all of our colleagues and a number of partners. We were spoiled enormously by 2 great cooks from (Weesp, the Netherlands) who turned part of our office into an instant professional kitchen for the occasion. The culinary delights that we were served certainly raised the bar for our own Christmas dinners and the matching wines flowed abundantly. We had a very pleasant evening and we wish others the same. That is why we also donate the budget that we spent on this Christmas dinner to the food bank Gooi en Vechtstreek. After closing 2022 on such a high note, we are very much looking forward to the new year!
Groupphoto of TrailBlazers at Trees4All event

The start of our food forest in the Achterhoek

Well packed and armed with a few shovels, we travel to the Achterhoek. The destination: our food forest in Neede. An important task awaits us: planting the first trees of our forest. In cooperation with Trees for All, we and other sponsors are helping the Mekking family transform their former cattle farm into a food forest for the future. Together, we are realizing a total of 11.4 acres of food forest. And that’s important, because food forests help store CO2, improve soil quality and restore biodiversity. They also contribute to a healthy living environment, where residents and visitors are in touch with nature and can enjoy local products. It’s still a while away, but our food forest will eventually produce a variety of nuts, fruits, seeds and berries.

TrailBlazers officewarming: a day full of beautiful people and great moments!

With a nice mix of family and friends of colleagues, neighbours, clients and other relations, our new place in Weesp was properly inaugurated during the officewarming. It was an evening full of fine moments with a beautiful speech by the chairman of the VvE, an overflowing gift table, delicious snacks and drinks and traditional (good and not so good) "Weesper jokes". We would like to thank everyone who attended for a wonderful evening. We really feel at home and welcome in Weesp!

Our first Devoxx4Kids workshop

We like to bring positive social impact to the younger generation. In collaboration with the Devoxx4Kids foundation, we therefore provided a workshop at an elementary school for the first time. To a group of about 150 students from the upper grades of elementary school 'Jong Geleerd', our team showed how much fun programming is. Using the Java programming language, the children learned to make modifications (so-called mods) in Minecraft and play with them. With these kinds of workshops at schools we create awareness and inspire children in a fun way. After all, kids are the developers of the future!

Blue squad in tropical shirts rocks J-Fall

It was time again for the fall edition of the largest Java conference in the Netherlands, and of course we were there. The Pathé in Ede was packed with speakers providing information, inspiration and master classes during J-Fall 2022. Our blue squad in tropical shirts manned our busy booth and had many interesting and inspiring conversations with visitors. The Lego-challenge was also played fanatically again: participants could help build the TrailBlazers food forest with their creativity.

Devoxx Belgium: Lego Challenge and great meetings

Devoxx in Antwerp, how we enjoyed every minute of it. Not only did our nerve-racking Lego Challenge attract a lot of attention, we also met a lot of nice people. We were able to tell our fellow enthusiasts about our special way of working together and our drive to make an impact. But above all, we had a lot of fun together. For us, this edition of Devoxx could not have gone better!

Two brand new TrailBlazers added to the team!

At the TrailBlazers Day on September 22 we were pleased to welcome Inmar Los as a new team member. Inmar starts November 1 and she will join Ruud and Wiro in TrailBlazers related matters, such as finance and human resources. Besides Inmar, we are also very happy with the arrival of Sam Dadfar. We secretly welcomed Sam already at the TrailBlazers day in August. He will start as a Java developer starting October 1.

The very first TrailBlazers day in Weesp

Our new place in Weesp was well inaugurated during the monthly TrailBlazers day. Quarterly figures were shared, inspiring sessions were given and appointments were made. Our friends from the branding agency Schwung came by to present the 3 initiatives that came out of the impact session and there was a lot of catching up to do. A beautiful, sunny TrailBlazers day in a very nice place!

We have moved!

All of our stuff left the Almere office, the door of the office has been closed for good and the building in Weesp has been taken into use. We have really moved now! We informed our business relations of our new accommodation with a VIP (Very Important Package)...

We received the key to our new office!

Yes indeed, we are moving! As of August 1, 2022, we will trade our office at the Wisselweg in Almere for a beautiful canal house in Weesp. This new place gives us more space to make a positive impact. Today Ruud Rol received the key with a big smile. A beautiful milestone for TrailBlazers!

Hey there, handsome.

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we need { Java experts }

Wanna join?

Want to know more about our way of working? Or are you interested in working together and do you want to join us in our mission to make the world a more beautiful place? Contact Wiro or Ruud to discover what we can do for each other!

Call: +31 85 200 78 72
Or connect with us through LinkedIn