Loes van Marlestraat 14
1382 ML Weesp (NL)
Visitor information

Meetup: Hands-on practice with consent decision-making

Have you heard of Consent decision-making but never seen it in practice? Have you perhaps attended a Sociocracy 3.0 training and practiced Consent decision-making there, but still want more practice? Are you looking for hints, tips, and tricks from real-life scenarios?

Then come to this meetup on Monday evening, May 6th!

We will spend the evening with a brief explanation of Consent decision-making, but we will mainly work on several case studies under the guidance of experienced Consent decision-making facilitators. Of course, there will be room for all your questions about this way of making decisions. This meetup is for both beginners and people with experience in consent decision-making.

We make all our important decisions based on Consent, even before our company’s birth. We have been around for 6 years and are happy to share our experiences.

Participation is free and includes food.

Please RSVP via Meetup so we can reserve a spot for you and adjust the catering according to the number of participants.

17:30-18:00 Walk in
18:00-18:45 Dinner
18:45-20:45 Program
20:45-21:15 Drinks

If you can’t make it on May 6th but are interested in this topic, sign up for our TrailBlazers Meetup group and automatically get notified when we organize a new meetup!